Today is the first day of Lent. And, regardless of your religious affiliation or lack thereof, these 40 days present a great opportunity to challenge ourselves in some capacity. Consider taking a 40 day health challenge. It doesn’t have to be in the form of deprivation. Instead, think about adding healthy foods or practices into your life. That might mean adding leafy greens to your daily diet, or drinking warm lemon water each morning, or going to the gym 1 more day/week, or taking a 30 minute walk each day. Choose a challenge that is doable and meaningful. If you want to cut out that bowl of ice cream after dinner, or the diet coke every afternoon, go for it. Do what works for you. Just do it. Of course, your 40 days could start tomorrow, or the next day, or next week, or next month…but why not start today!? Use Lent as your excuse. What will your challenge be?