The Amazing Health Benefits of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar

I’m hooked on drinking raw Apple Cider Vinegar daily. If you’ve never had it, it tastes like vinegar but with an appley twist. It is made from fresh, crushed apples which are then allowed to mature naturally (i.e., ferment). Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is a powerful cleansing and healing elixir – a naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs, bacteria, mold and viruses. I’m convinced that my daily ACV habit has boosted my immune system – I rarely get sick (I’m knocking on a piece of wood!).

Raw ACV means it’s unpasteurized. It should say  ‘raw’ on the label or ‘from the Mother.’ The “mother” is made up of living nutrients and bacteria that you can actually see as they settle in the bottom of the bottle like sediment. The “mother” is believed to have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Household brand names of ACV like Heinz are not raw. It’s the fermented or raw ACV that is so good for you, so be sure to buy the right one. My favorite brand is Bragg’s Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. You can find it in any grocery store. Raw ACV is the only vinegar that is alkaline-forming to the body. All other vinegars (white, balsamic, red wine, etc) are acid-forming. For a body with a healthy balanced pH, raw apple cider vinegar is one of the best things to add to your diet.

One of the benefits of having raw ACV every day is it is a naturally high source of potassium and enzymes. Potassium is a mineral that is often lacking in adult diets. This mineral is key for growth, building muscles, transmission of nerve impulses, heart activity etc.  Many people link potassium deficiency to dark circles under the eyes, early senility, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, arterial and heart problems, arthritis, kidney stones, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease. More signs of potassium deficiency include fatigue, achy bones and muscles, tired eyes, itchy eyes, dry scalp and brittle hair, brittle teeth, hair loss, runny noses, and lack of mental alertness.

What are the other benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?

  • Rich in acetic acid. This acid is said to slow the digestion of starch which can help to lower the rise in glucose that commonly occurs after meals.
  • Rich in ash which gives ACV its alkaline property. This aids your body in maintaining proper pH levels for a healthy alkaline state. (It is particularly important if you drink a lot of coffee or wine.)
  • It can help regulate blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol.
  • Rich in malic acid which gives ACV its anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
  • May help improve bowel irregularity and helps to remove toxins from the body at a faster rate.
  • It can help clear up skin conditions and blemishes.
  • ACV helps with weight loss by breaking down fats so that your body can use them rather than store them.
  • A few lab studies have found that ACV may be able to kill cancer cells or slow their growth.

On a daily basis, try to have at least 2 Tbsp. of raw Apple Cider Vinegar to keep your body healthy and strong. You can mix 2 Tbsp. with water and drink it when you wake up (add a touch of honey if you like), add the ACV to a juice or smoothie, or make a delicious salad dressing (see my kale slaw with peanut dressing recipe). When I first started drinking raw ACV, I diluted it in water. Now I’m able to drink it by itself. I put 1 -2 Tbsp. in my mini measuring shot glass and I down it like a shot. It takes a little getting used to…my husband can’t tolerate it undiluted. Beware – it is strong.